Knowledge Resources

Some Cayce quotes to get you started:

... there are no short cuts to knowledge, to wisdom, to understanding – these must be lived, must be experienced by each and every soul.  (830-2)

Not that some great exploit, some great manner of change should come within thine body, thine mind, but line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little. For it is, as He has given, not the knowledge alone but the practical application – in thine daily experience with thy fellow man – that counts.   (922-1)

. . all that ye may know of good must first be within self. All ye may know of God must be manifested through thyself. To hear of Him is not to know. To apply and live and be is to know!  (2936-2)

Know the first principles: There is good in all that is alive.  (2537-1)

For as has been given, to have knowledge and not apply it, it becomes sin. (254-93

Knowledge, understanding, is using, then, that thou hast in hand. Not to thine own knowledge but that all hope, power, trust, faith, knowledge and understanding are in Him. Do that thou knowest to do TODAY, as He would have thee do it, IN THINE UNDERSTANDING! Then tomorrow will be shown thee for that day! For as He has given, TODAY ye may know the Lord! NOW, if ye will but open thine heart, thine mind, the understanding and knowledge will come! (262-89)

Knowledge is power, yet power may become as an influence that brings the evil ways. For the expression of self is that which hinders man in the knowledge of the more perfect way.
(Q) What should be the basic principles in our thought on this lesson?
(A) Knowledge as of God; knowledge as a workable experience in the affairs of individuals, of groups, of nations; that may ARISE from the motivative forces of the knowledge and power of God. Knowledge as a material experience, and how that knowledge as pertaining to the laws of a universal nature adds to the conditions in the experiences of man, even as to the conveniences of man; and how that the misappplication, the misinterpretation of such knowledge brings into the experiences of individuals, of groups, of nations, that which exalteth man's power and he forgets God. The correct evaluation then of knowledge in all its phases of man's experience and the application of that knowledge in his relationships and dealings with his fellow man. (262-95)

Know that true knowledge is God, and as ye judge thy fellow man, as ye judge thy brother, ye are ASSUMING the offices of the Lord Himself. For God IS Knowledge, and as He gave, "Judge them not," for they that be for us are above those with their own WORLDLY wisdom. They SHALL excel for the moment, but dost thou grudge their excellence even for naming the name? Dost thou make to thyself such a condemning that ye become rather worse than they? These, then, be the SPIRIT, be the manner, be the purposes within thy heart, thy mind, beloved. EMPTY thy minds, EMPTY thy hearts of all that thou hast held that is of a secular nature, if ye would know the TRUE Knowledge of thy God. (262-96)